Thursday, June 23, 2005

How To Protect Your Address Book

As you may know, when/if a worm virus gets into your computer it heads straight for your e-mail address book, and sends itself to everyone in there, thus infecting all your friends and associates. This trick won't keep the virus from getting into your computer, but it will stop it from using your address book to spread further, and it will alert you to the fact, that the worm has gotten into your system.

Here's what you do; first, open your address book and click on "new contact", Just as you would do if you were adding a new friend to your list of e-mail addresses. In the window where you would type your friend's first name, type in AAAAAAA, Also use address

Now, Here's what you've done and why it works: The name AAAAAAA will be placed at the top of your address book as entry #1. This will be where the worm will start in an effort to send itself to all your friends. But, when it tries to send itself to AAAAAAA, it will be undeliverable because of the phoney e-mail address you entered. If the first attempt fails (which it will because of the phoney address), the worm goes no further and your friends will not be infected.

Here's the second great advantage of this method: If an e-mail cannot be delivered, you will be notified of this in your IN BOX almost immediately. Hence, if you ever get an e-mail telling you that an e-mail addressed to AAAAAAA could not be delivered, you know right away that you have the worm virus in your system. You can then take steps to get rid of it! Pretty slick, huh? If everybody you know does this then you need not ever worry about opening mail from friends.

Sudden Death

This is not the game.

A few weeks ago, Renee's Indian Dance Teacher passed away because of Dengue Fever. I had Dengue Fever before and laid in the hospital for 5 days, doing nothing but taking blood out of me 2 times a day for blood test, reading magazines, listening to music and watching those people sleeping next to me, die one by one.

Yesterday Su Lin called me. Her housemate's girlfriend, which i met during her housewarming, choked on food and passed away in her own apartment. I still recalled she was helping around with the cleaning, chatting with me the whole night and even showed me their room. She was a jovial, bright, chatty person.

Sudden Death is more scary than long term sickness. Although less pain, but it brings shock and helplessness to those around them. Please take care of yourself and live fully, and carefully, of course.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A View Ouside My Window

I Always tell people i would feel inspired just by looking outside my HK apartment's window. These few days it kept raining and this morning, i was horrified by the waters.

It looks as if someone poured chocolate haagen dazz ice cream on it. But trust me, winter days & non rainy days, its very nice. Im so afraid mosquitoes will come soon. Better get one of those electrifying mosquitoes badminton racquet and keep my windows closed 24/7.

Monday, June 20, 2005


前幾天她和姐姐到雲頂高原度假。沿途中﹐他們也參觀神廟和去“問神” 。他在電話那頭說﹕“真靈驗” 。神靈吩咐媽媽別把藥物放置冰箱旁邊﹐別躺在客廳的沙發床看電視。更重要的﹐我們家裡有很多應該立刻丟掉的東西。他指明的﹐包括了在神臺上的通書(朋友好心給我辟邪的)﹐客廳燈下的一副劃(姐姐從樓下檢的) ﹐門外的鞋架木版等等。所說的﹐大半都是朋友送的﹐或者是有時路﹐看情況良好而檢的﹐有些當然是破舊的東西。其實我也不主張收舊東西﹐用舊貨。因為華人都愛節儉﹐不浪費所以難避免。但是有時別人丟棄的濫貨﹐可能會聚集“邪氣” ﹐“陰氣” 。把一些看似沒什麼殺傷力的東西放在家裡﹐可能會從此影響你﹐讓你倒霉。